Bluebeard's Bride Takes the Cake

Award season is finishing up here in the game world, and I’m left staggering around under the weight of what has happened. Bluebeard’s Bride has swept, just absolutely swept the landscape.  It’s competed with large traditional tabletop role-playing game publishing houses, other amazing indie tabletop RPGs, and even got directly in the fray at IndieCade, competing not only against the best indie analogue games, but the best video games as well.

And won. IndieCade. It won IndieCade.


Won: IndieCade’s Grand Jury Award 2018 (we are still confirming, but this may be the first time a tabletop RPG has ever won the grand prize)

Won: IDGN’s Indie Groundbreaker Awards – Game of the Year 2018
Won: IDGN’s Indie Groundbreaker Awards – Best Art 2018


Nominated: IDGN’s Indie Groundbreaker Awards – Most Innovative 2018
Nominated: Golden Geek Awards – Best Artwork and Presentation 2018
Nominated: Ennies (EN World RPG Awards) – Best Production Values 2018

I know we were making something special but, yeah, wow. To have the vision come all the way through, and know that you’re players are absorbing it, are thrilled by it. It’s what we live for, us designers and storytellers.

I’ve been hearing play reports from folks all over the world, and it’s fascinating to hear what grisly things each group gets up to. The game is also being taught as part of the curriculum at at least three university level literary classrooms in the U.S. I’ve had the pleasure of dropping in on some of these lectures, and helping professors adapt play for the classroom.  So hit me up if that’s something you’re interested in!

As always, you can purchase it here if you’re interested in it.

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