The AAA Life


Hullo! Just wanted to catch you up on the news.  In March I joined Hidden Path Entertainment as a Project Narrative Director. I’m on a very large, very fantastic project, and I probably won’t be able to talk about it for yeaaarrrss. I’v officially moved into AAA territory and it’s quite a ride! Love this studio, it has an amazing culture.

Also in March I gave a talk at GDC’s Narrative Innovation Showcase on archetypal structures that is pretty neat:

Did a panel on storytelling and games at the digital convention LudoNarraCon for its inaugural year:

Released a VR game with Hidden Path called Raccoon Lagoon:


Played the release of the Endless Quest Dungeons & Dragons books wit their author!

Announced that I will be teaching a workshop on video game writing for Clarion West this April. If you’re in the Seattle area and are interested in writing for video games, consider signing up! By the way, I officially, finally joined SFWA. Woo!


And finally, we’ve just announced the indie game I’ve been working on for the last eight months, HoloVista!

I’m really pleased with HoloVista. Forbes did a fantastic write-up of our initial announcement here. That’s right, my game, my name, in Forbes! The Aconite team behind the game are amazing folks to work with, and I love them all. HoloVista is releasing in 2020!

As always, I’m sure I’ve missed things. Ta for now.

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