
I have been keeping my head down and just grinding. So I thought I’d surface with a roundup of what I’ve been doing this last year (hint: it’s a lot, per usual).

Let’s start with the biggest news first; I recently joined a studio as the narrative design lead on their next big game!


That’s right, a game about the ocean. Do you know how jazzed I am? So jazzed. This is full time, which means I’ve officially made the crossover from part time freelance spliced with tech industry work to concentrating on narrative design exclusively as my profession. I am really, REALLY happy about this. It’s been years in the making and this is basically the perfect job.

How did Bluebeard’s Bride do?



The kickstarter ended up bringing in about $130,000. It’s already been nominated for one award, it held one of the top spots for most purchased game on DriveThruRPG for weeks, and the reviews have been glowing.


I did a lot of interviews around the game release, and they’re floating out there in the ether somewhere. I knew I hit peak interview when I sat down to talk about Bluebeard’s Bride with a frog.

What other projects are you working on right now?
I’m currently working on a playset for Weave by Monocle Society.


And I’m contributing to the narrative design for Heart of the Deernicorn’s BFF.


In terms of Twitch projects I’m currently involved with the ongoing series Eat, Prey, Kill, based off of the Kill 6 Billion Demons universe.

And Celestial Rangers, based off the Sailor Moon RPG.

Things I finished up.
Okay, it’s a lot of things. Pretty sure this list is incomplete, but I’ll do my best to remember.

I wrote a freeform game called Möbius that was published in the #Feminism game anthology. Did narrative consulting for Qneuro. Judged the Golden Cobra game design competition. Translated some ancient Egyptian for Chaldea. Saw Mulaka launched. I had a very minor role consulting with the Lienzo team, but I’m super proud of how well received Mulaka has been. In the early days it was really a struggle, and I wasn’t sure the game was going to get released. Now it’s got everyone’s attention.

Did diversity and inclusion narrative consultation and VO work for the new BattleTech game that is launching this month. I really like doing voice over work! I also love all the folks over at Harebrained Schemes.


Both live streaming shows Death From Above and Weekly Affirmations have wrapped up. Death From Above was a seminal experience, and I miss the whole cast and crew. We really made something special.


Weekly Affirmations will probably come back in a new form with a new name at some point in the future. Several Twitch studios have offered to pick it up, I just haven’t had the bandwidth to do it yet. It’s a show that takes a lot of work on my end to produce. But it’s totally worth it. So many meaningful experiences.


I did various other Twitch shows including fundraisers, voice acting to Hatoful Boyfriend and Night in the Woods, Feminist Cookies, The Gauntlet, Masters of the Metaverse, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego, and lots of others. And no, I’m still not a streamer : p

Cons and appearances 
I did panels and events at MAGfest, Orca Con, and Women Who Crush.


Also participated in the Games to Grow panel on Culturally Responsible Gaming.

I dropped out of the rest of the con season in 2017 after I contracted dengue fever in India, and was too ill to travel for a while.

Upcoming events 
I’m going to be a speaker at XOXO!
I’m also going to be attending Project Horseshoe, an invite-only game industry think tank. I’m thrilled and honored to be a part of this, and can’t wait to mind meld with other top folks doing cool work.

That’s it for now. I’ll try not to wait another year to update.

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