The First Ever University Level RPG Textbook!

Great news! Role-Playing Game Studies: Transmedia Foundations, the fist ever university level role playing game textbook, is out! Many experts and gaming academics, including myself, worked with Routledge Press to produce this book. I contributed to chapter 27 alongside Jessica Hammer. It’s an invaluable resource for professors and students alike. RPG studies is legit ya’ll!


The book is doing so well that it’s sold out of paperback copies for now. You can still order the E-book or the hardback. I heartily suggest you go check it out.

Also, the kickstarter for BFF! the RPG of friendship, girlhood, and adventure is now live!

I loved working on this project and it’s a complete and total 180 from Bluebeard’s Bride. I love all characters and the settings are rich and interesting. This game is for teens and adults, no matter one’s gender : )

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