Stop and Breathe

I don’t have time to go into anything in detail, but I have a few things to announce and to chat about.

Firstly, what have I been doing? Writing, writing like crazy. I have four research papers coming due at Pacifica Graduate Institute, plus two (well, as of tonight, three) for publication. Yikes.

Over the next few months I will be authoring or co-authoring academic publications through:
–The WyrdCon Companion Book
-The new journal being produced by the International Association of Comparative Mythology
-and a gaming and education anthology book with title yet to be released

I also just found out that I’m going to be co-editing next year’s Literary Journal for Pacifica Graduate Institute, but fortunately that is way far off.

Additionally I’ve been going over scripts from the ADAM 8 project and working on a short of my own!

Just this week I completed filming on the Crackhorse Productions short “High Speed” and reel footage for the Tinker Steampunk Series. I also broke my toe kickboxing. So there’s that.

Secondly, here’s what’s coming up in July:
Unfortunately, I had to cancel my RTX appearance, in which I was going to be sitting in on several panels about play theory and character psychology. I’m super bummed that I’m going to miss out, but the rest of my awesome team will still be there presenting, among them Sarah Lynne Bowman, my mentor and a kick-ass American LARP scholar. The panels should be streaming live, so don’t miss it!

However, I will be at both Gam3rCon and San Diego Comic-Con, at the same time magically somehow. That will be July 18th-21st. At GamerCon I will be helping with the Starship Valkyrie LARP, as well as running the Seekers Unlimited cocktail party. At Comic-Con I will be attending the LARP panel being run by friend and fellow Seekers compatriot Aaron Vanek, and maybe I’ll try to take a few seconds to have a good time. Say hi if you’re in the neighborhood! The best way to reach me while I’m running around doing these things is through Twitter. I’m @The_Strix.

Did I miss anything? I hope not. Catch you later!

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