
I love fall. It’s my favorite time of year. It used to be because I loved the smell of decaying leaves and the swaying of the trees in the sharp wind. Now it’s also because I can get away with wearing more complicated costumes without melting in them : )

Wyrd Con was excellent. I introduced a zombie novelist to Dystopia Rising, did a little bit of the Hollywood shuffle, met with old friends, and made some new ones. I was much more relaxed about Wyrd Con this year, and it felt more like a homecoming than a networking event.


I’m on the tail end of most of my current publication ventures, which is giving me some much needed breathing room. Most of it is now simply working its way through the pipelines while I wait. I am working on some new things, of course, but I won’t bother mentioning anything until the abstracts (hopefully) get approved.

I also did one little tiny part of the editing for The Larp Factory Book Project. It is an amazing collection of 22 Norwegian games, and I strongly, strongly suggest you pick up a copy if you are interested at all in this style of play. It would be a perfect introduction for the curious. Winter is coming. Just as inevitably, Nordic larp will find its way to the west coast. Might as well be ahead of the curve.

Coming up I will be at Comikaze Expo November 1st to 3rd in L.A. as cast for the Tinker steampunk web series. I will also be in L.A. November 29th to December 1st for LosCon 40, where I will be doing several panels, one of which will be on the mythology surrounding nightmares!

There are starting to be some rumblings that I may be making a trip out to the east coast circuit for Dreamation 2014 and Intercon N in February. I really loathe snow, so we’ll see.

My other projects are going great. Really happy with how my involvement with ADAM 8 has evolved and I am now looking towards being more directly creative myself in upcoming adventures.

One last thing that I want to mention to you, my wonderful readers, is that I have gotten several e-mails recently with questions and comments about academic pieces that I have written about myth, psychology, and gaming. First of all, THANK YOU. You have no idea how excited that makes me that you are engaging these ideas. Like really, cloud nine. That’s all an academic truly wants out of life. Second of all, I wanted to mention that I am always open to dialogue regarding these ideas. So if you’ve ever thought, Hey I want to ask Strix about this, or, She’s totally wrong! Someone should straighten her out, but haven’t felt like you could actually contact me about it, please know that I am open to whatever you have to say. As long as it is said respectfully, I will return the consideration.

That’s all for now. Ta!

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